The Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Chennai, is one of the premier institutes functioning under the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India. It was established on July 6, 1979 with the objective of undertaking scientific research on various aspects of Unani medicine. A full-fledged new building was inaugurated on 17th February 2004. The institute premises spread over 3 acres of land was provided by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu. The institute has developed over the years a sound research infrastructure and has obtained significant leads in the fields of clinical research, drug standardization research, safety evaluation of Unani drugs, survey and cultivation of medicinal plants, and molecular and biological studies.
      To strive for excellence in the field of Unani medicine through comprehensive research for quality-assured and cost-effective products to prevent/ manage and cure various diseases.
To develop RRIUM-Chennai into a centre of excellence for research and patient care in Unani medicine in order to provide practical solutions to the health issues of the country for a healthy India. To conduct, implement, and promote quality Unani medical research on scientific lines for the larger benefit of the Society. To provide safe, efficacious and cost-effective health care solutions through Unani Medicines.
To develop the institute in to a dynamic and model research organization for undertaking and co-ordinating scientific research in Unani system of medicine by incorporating the benefits of modern scientific knowledge and technology. To focus research on the health needs with the aim of providing quality health care. To undertake advance research in the field of standardization of Unani drugs and for the development of Standard Operative Procedure (SOP) for uniform method of Manufacturing of Unani drugs. To undertake ethno-botanical survey of forest divisions to explore medicinal plants wealth and to collect specimens of medicinal plants for successful cultivation of rare, valuable and important medicinal plants. To Propagate and popularize the Unani System of Medicine.
The Institute has good and sound infrastructure comprising of the following departments / Sections
Hospital Services
      Under NABH scope, including Moalajat (Medicine), ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal therapy), ‘Ilāj bi’l Ghidā’ (Dietotherapy), and ‘Ilāj bi’l Dawā’ (Pharmacotherapy), the institute provides its clinical services to general and research patients. As per the CCRUM’s policy, all the clinical services except PTA medicines, medical tourism services, and special ward to general patients belonging to the below poverty line against producing the income certificate are provided at no cost. All the clinical services to research patients enrolled in the on-going clinical research projects are also provided at no cost.
Out-Patient Department (OPD)
      The out-patient department of the institute facilitates different out-door facilities for patients, including General OPD (daily), Research OPD (daily), Geriatric OPD (Monday), Mother and Child Healthcare OPD (Friday), Non-Communicable diseases (NCDs) OPD (daily), and Post-Trial Access (PTA) OPD (daily). Geriatric and Mother and Child Healthcare OPD services are free of charge. Besides Geriatric OPD on Monday, the institute facilitates a separate out-patient service on other days for senior citizens above 61 years of age at a 40% subsidizing rate against producing an age-proof document. The Post-Trial Access OPD provides effective clinically-trialed medicines at very minimum cost for the treatment of various ailments like vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, psoriasis, sinusitis, infective hepatitis, etc. Patients from far-flung areas, including neighbouring states of Tamil Nadu, regularly visit the PTA OPD.
In-Patient Department (IPD)
      The Institute has a full-fledged 49-beded in-door facility comprising a general male ward, a general female ward, and a special ward. This facility is being used for clinical studies on the research patients and general patients. The admitted patients are treated by using general as well as some specialized Unani treatment modalities, including different regimenal procedures, Mundij (concoctive) and Mushil (purgative) therapy, modified Unani dietetics, etc. The institute also provide food to admitted patients.
Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal therapy) and Physiotherapy:
      The institute has a fully functional ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (regimenal therapy) and Physiotherapy Unit, wherein patients of various ailments are being treated by applying various Unani traditional regimens, including Hijāma bilā Shart (cupping without scarification), Hijāma bi’l Shart (cupping with scarification), Hijāma bi’l Nār (fire cupping), Hijāma Muzliqa (massage cupping), Ta‘līq al-‘Alaq (hirudotherapy), Qay’ (emesis), Ishāl (purgation), Riyādat (exercise), Dalk (massage), Tadhīn (oiling), Takmīd (fomentation), Natūl (irrigation), Sakūb (douching or spraying), Inkibāb (steam application), Pāshoya (foot bath), Dāshtshoya (arm bath), Abzan (sitz bath), Huqna (enema), Full body steam, and by using modern physiotherapy methods and tools, such as Sauna Bath, Spinal Bath, Jacuzzi Bath, Treadmill, Cervical and Lumbar traction, Postural mirror exercise, Continuous passive motion exercise, Static cycle, Exercise chair, Rotatory wrist exercise, Axial shoulder exercise, Nautical cum shoulder wheel, physiotherapy by using modern equipment, etc.
Unani diagnostic methods
      The unique classical Unani diagnostic methods, especially Mua’n-i-Nabd (examination of pulse) through physical observation of ten parameters (Adlā al-Nabd or Ajnās al-Nabd) for the detection of different types of pulses and inspection of urine are employed for the diagnosis of diseases.