Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centre (PPvC)
The institute has a well-established Pharmacovigilance unit working under the Central Scheme for Pharmacovigilance of ASU & H drugs, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India. The institute was designated as the Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centre (PPvC) for Unani drugs in January 2018 and started working on reporting adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and misleading / objectionable advertisements and conducting awareness lectures and workshops in order to inculcate habits and establish a reporting culture among all the stakeholders, including practitioners, pharmacists, health workers, and patients. The RRIUM Chennai is the only Unani centre in the state that has been governed by the Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India, for Pharmacovigilance activity and has always been committed for providing safe drugs to patients. The institute has been awarded the “Best-Performing Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centre for the year 2020”.